If you saw my picture from the about me you'd see that I am an Orioles fan, born and raised in Maryland and support all there sports teams, but id have to say baseball is my favorite I grew up watching the Os on TV with my granddad, going to games with friend and my family. So knowing this I was a very happy girl last night was game three of the Orioles Red Sox series, we had won the first 2 games and all we needed was this win to sweep the series. The game started out pretty good with the Os scoring a run in the first inning, holding Boston until the fourth and scoring three more runs in the mean time. At this point it was looking pretty good for us were up 5 to 1 in the top of the fourth, but then bottom of the 5th inning Boston hit a grand slam tying up the game 5 to 5. The game continued on with no one scoring until the top of the 8th with Mark Reynolds hitting a double and bringing his man in for a run, so now were up hoping to hold them until the end of the game, but we weren't so lucky the RedSox scored in the 8th also. So it tied again, now 6 to 6 its top of the 9th, then bottom of the 9th and no one has scored, now were in extra innings, going through pitcher after pitcher, trying anything we can to score. We got a lot of guys on base, but no luck, but our pitching continued to hold the RedSox as well, finally its bottom of the 16th inning game still tied at 6 to 6 and we put our last pitcher in, Chris Davis who hitting wise did nothing all game went into pitch what ended up being out last pitching inning of the game. So now top of the 17th two guys on base and Adam Jones comes up to bat, he's not going for anything and then his pitch comes, he swing and smashes it out for a home run, and a three run lead that won us the game and sweep the series.
So this may seem a bit like cheating but I thought it would be interesting to put both my review of the book and the movie up here, kind of like a compare and contrast, see what was good and bad about both, even though I fully endorse reading the book first or at least as well as, watching the movie most people don't feel that way, so I want to show them what there missing by only watching the movie. The movie version of the hunger games honestly lived up to my expectation, growing up with so so many books becoming movies and me being such an avid reader I've grown to accept that movies will never be exactly like the book, so I went into this movie know and accepting that. All in all I think it was a pretty good movie, they touched on most of the big important things and really didn't change too much that it hurt it in a major way. It was really nice to put faces to the characters I imagined in my mind, even if they weren't exactly what I pictured. They did change a lot of the little things so if your a stickler and get upset when there are many noticeable changes then I wouldn't recommend this movie, but if your not a reader or it docent bother you to watch a movie that is different than the book, then defiantly go see this movie, it really good filled with action, romance (of course, what would a movie be with out it) one girls fight to save her life at home, her self, and the boy from her district.
So a few months ago I started hearing all this buzz about a book series that was going to become a movie, I found out that the series was the Hunger Games by Suzanna Collins, I am a total book nerd, constantly reading so I decided to check it out. I should start out by saying that this is the first book in a trilogy that centers around Katniss Everdeen and what happens when she starts a rebellion. The book takes place in the future in a place call Panem, which is what used to be the United States, within in Panem there are 12 districts and a Capitol, which controls everything else. Each year the Capitol holds something called the Hunger Games, which is where each district sacrifices two children between 12 and 18, a boy and a girl, and all 24 of these kids are placed in arena and forced to fight to the death. So from what I've told you so far you say who that book sounds horrible why read that, but really it is an amazing story that sucks you in. The beginning moves a little slow but once the action picks up you truly become committed to the book. Another key character in the Hunger Games is Peeta Melark, district twelve's other tribute and someone Katniss shares a history with. This whole book is about Katniss not only finding a way to save herself, bring victory to her district, but to keep her fellow district alive too. All in all this is a really good read, you don't want to put it down, yet at the same time it is a book filled with sadness and dispare, how Collins paints a picture of a world we all would hate to live in in truly amazing and scary all at once.
My name is Rhiannon Patton, but you probably already knew that. I was born right here in Frederick MD on November 28, 1992. I graduated from Frederick High School class of 2010, and have been studying at FCC for the past year and half. Once I graduate from FCC I'm planing on going to Hood College and getting my bachelors degree in Psychology. I haven't decided on an ultimate career goal, but am thinking about adolescent therapy. After Hood I will most likely continue with my education starting with my masters, while also trying to work within my field. Outside of school I love to read, I own tons of books and normally always have at least one with me. I love the beach, my family spends almost all of the summer at one beach or another, its one of my favorite places to be. Baseball and football are the two sports I watch, the Ravens and Orioles are my teams. Im an avid baker, always trying new recipes and designs, I specialize in cupcakes and pretty much have them for all occasions. I mostly bake for fun, but make specialty cupcakes on occasion. Other than that I just like to hang out with my friends and have a good time.